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2020 Schull Institute Annual Invitational Conference: "Song Among the Ruins"



DATE:  March 13 - 15, 2020

VENUE:  Waseda University NISHIWASEDA campus

ADDRESS:  62 Building Meeting Room, 1 Chome-104 Totsukamachi, Shinjuku City, Tokyo 169-8050, Japan

Organizing Committee Members


Takashi Gojobori, PhD, KAUST

Naruya Saitou, PhD, National Institute of Genetics

Kim Dunn, MD, PhD, Schull Institute

John Svirbely, MD, CMO, Medical Algorithms Co, Ltd

Eric Grant, PhD, RERF

Tomoko Y. Steen, PhD, Georgetown University

Sara A. Barton, MS, UTHealth, School of Public Health

Day 1

March 13

Pre-conference Workshop


8:30 a.m.         Welcome to Japan — by Naryuya Saitou, PhD, Professor, Dept. of Population

                          Genetics National Institute of Genetics



Session 1          Student Presentations


9:00 a.m.          Introduction to Student Presentations


9:30 a.m.         US Student Presentations


10:30 a.m.       Japanese Student Presentations


11:00 a.m.        Discussion



11:30 a.m. –

1:00 p.m.           Lunch break



Session 2         “CDPG Alumni: The Schullian Way”


1:00 -

6:00 p.m.         Center for Demographic and Population Genetics (CDPG)


6:00 p.m.         CDPG Reception/Dinner



Day 2, "Song Among the Ruins



Day 2

March 14

“Song among the Ruins,” ABCC/RERF, Radiation Effects, and People


8:30 a.m.         Welcome to the 6th Annual Invitational Conference — by Kim Dunn, MD, PhD,

                          President, Schull Institute


8:45 a.m.         Welcome by the Local Organizer: Takashi Gojobori, PhD, Distinguished Professor,

                          Bioscience Acting Director, Computational Bioscience Research Center, KAUST


9:00 a.m.         Welcome by the Local Organizer: Naruya Saito, PhD, Professor, Department of

                          Population Genetics, NIG



Session 3        Keynote Presentations


9:15 a.m.         Introduction of the Keynote Speakers/Tomoko Y. Steen, PhD, Professor,

                          Georgetown University Medical Center


9:30 a.m.         Keynote Remark: Japan-US Science Diplomacy/Hideo Fukushima, MA, Japanese

                          Consul-General of Japan in Houston


10:00 a.m.       RERF Past and Present: Japan-US Research Collaborations/Ohtsura Niwa, PhD,

                          Chairman, RERF; Professor Emeritus, Kyoto University


10:30 a.m.       Q&A



11:00 a.m. –

12:30 p.m.        Lunch break



Session 4        Historical, Anthropological, Sociological, and Archival Studies of

                                Nuclear Incidents


12:30 p.m.       “An ABCC Doctor”/Betty Smocovitas, PhD, Professor, University of Florida


1:00 p.m.         Images of Atomic Bombs/Maika Nakako, PhD, Professor, Nagasaki University


1:30 p.m.         Japanese Physicists: First Examination of the Atomic Bomb Incident/Akira

                          Masaike, PhD, Professor Emeritus, Dept. of Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University


2:00 p.m.         Bikini Atoll and People/Satoe Nakahara, PhD, Staff Scientist, Earth Science



2:30 p.m.         Fukushima Nuclear Accident/Yooichi Tao, President, Resurrection of Fukushima

                          (Fukushima saisei no kai)


3:00 p.m.         “Radiation and Events”: Archival Project/Philip Montgomery, MLS, Curator,

                          McGovern Historical Center, Texas Medical Center Library



3:30 p.m.         Coffee break



4:00 p.m.         Group Photo


5:00 p.m.         Tour of Waseda University Campus


5:30 p.m.         Cocktail Party



6:30 p.m.         Dinner


7:30 p.m. -

8:00 p.m.          Dinner Talk “Japan-US Friendship: William Jack Schull and “Song among the

                          Ruins”/Tomoko Y. Steen, PhD, Professor, Georgetown Medical Center




Day 3, "Song Among the Ruins"



Day 3

March 15

Japan-US Scientific Collaborations: Radiation Epidemiology, Human Genetics, Low Dose Radiation and (LNT), Cancer, Ecological Impacts of Radiation


8:30 a.m.         Welcome Remark: Introduction to Genetics and Epidemiological Studies of the

                          Atomic Bomb Survivors, Human Genetics/Takashi Gojobori, PhD, Distinguished

                          Professor, Bioscience Acting Director, Computational Bioscience Research Center,




Session 5        Dr. Gilbert Wheeler Beebe NCI/RERF Cancer Studies and Radiation


9:00 a.m.          Radiation and Over-all Cancer Risks of Children/Lindsay Morton, PhD, PI, National

                          Cancer Institute


9:30 a.m.         What Can Chemical Carcinogenesis Shed Light on the LNT Hypothesis in

                          Radiation Carcinogenesis?/James E. Trosko, PhD, Professor Emeritus, Center for

                          Integrative Toxicology, College of Human Medicine, Michigan State University


10:00 a.m.       Q&A



Session 6        Human Genetics, Epidemiology, and Metabolomics


10:30 a.m.       Dose and Dose Rate Effectiveness Factors/Evagelia (Lia) C. Laiakis, PhD,

                          Associate Professor, Georgetown University, Medical School


10:50 a.m.       Life Span Studies/Eric Grant, PhD, Associate Chief of Research, RERF


11:10 a.m.       In Utero Study/Hiromi Sugiyama PhD, Research Scientist, RERF


11:30 a.m.       Why Genetic Effects of Radiation are Seen in Mice but not in Humans/Nori

                          Nakamura, PhD, Consultant, RERF


11:50 a.m.       RERF Adult Health Study/Waka Ohishi, MD, PhD, Clinical Studies Department

                          Chief, RERF


12:10 p.m.       Discussion



12:30 pm -

2:00 pm            Lunch Break



Session 7         Comparing Radiation Impacts in Chernobyl and Fukushima


2:00 p.m.          Long Term Studies of Low Dose Radiation/Ko Sakauchi, MS, PhD Candidate,

                          University of Ryukyu


2:30 p.m.         Wild-life Studies in Chernobyl and Fukushima/Timothy Mousseau, PhD, Professor,

                          University of South Carolina


3:00 p.m.          Future Plans for the Annual Meetings


4:00 p.m.          Closing Remarks/Kim Dunn, MD, PhD, President, Schull Institute


4:30 p.m.          Adjourn


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